



 美国著名连环杀手 有着两面临窗景观的办公室 死者是玛丽亚·菲奥里 二十五岁 The victim is Maria Fiori, 25. 行 我去打电♥话♥告诉多诺万这件事 Okay, I"m going to call Donovan and let him know. 不用 你去找你母亲 No, no, no. Go find your mother. 是我♥干♥的 标语是我写的 It was me. I wrote it. "为迪恩·布雷耶主持公道" "Justice for Dean Breyer." 你是说佩吉和犯罪分子约会 So, you"re saying that Peggy dated a mobster. 也许这就是他 Maybe that"s what he was. 多伦多警局来找洛伦佐·斯卡尔菲 Toronto PD here to see Lorenzo Scalfi. 如果你们看到佩吉 告诉她我爱她 If you run into Peggy, tell her I said, "Ti amo." 有人骑自行车时看到有位很像佩吉的女士 So, a cyclist saw a woman that looked like Peggy 在湖岸边的小径徘徊 Wandering around the lakeshore waterfront trail. 她为何会在那里 Why she"d be down there? 妈 Mom? 佩吉 Peggy? 佩吉 Peggy? 妈 你快从那里下来 好吗 Mom, you need to come down from there, okay? 不要 你离我远点 你... No, you... You stay away from me. You... 妈 Mom! 你是幻觉 You"re not real. 我看到你在花店被炸死了

 I watched you blow up in the flower shop! 不 妈 那不是我 No, mom, that wasn"t me. 我没有进花店 I didn"t go in the flower shop, okay. 是我 真的是我 好吗 This is me. I"m real. Okay? 你看 我... 我还觉得冷呢 This is me. I"m... I"m really cold. 牙齿都在打颤 好吗 My teeth are really chattering, okay? 我们... 我们回家吧 Let"s... Let"s go back to our house. 我们回家坐在客厅的壁炉前 Let"s sit in front of our fireplace in the living room. 不 珍妮不会叫我一起回家 No, jenny doesn"t say, "Our living room." 珍妮不会叫我"妈" Jenny doesn"t call me "Mom". 珍妮恨我 Jenny hates her mother. 不 妈 我不恨你 No, mom, I don"t hate you. 明白吗 你可别出什么事 Okay? And if anything were to happen to you, 是我太固执 爱置气 And I was too stubborn, or I was too angry... 珍妮是很固执 又爱生气 Jenny is stubborn and angry. 但别想蒙我 骗子 do your homework, faker! 妈 听我说 我知道你为何来这里 Mom, look, I know why you"re here, okay? 你曾承诺带我... - 我违背了诺言 You made a promise to me that... - I broke a promise, 对不起你和卡蒂 To you and Katie. 但我... But I... 我更对不起卡蒂 因为我... I broke a bigger promise to Katie because I could...

 没能保护好她 I couldn"t protect her. 免得被我伤害 我知道 From me. I know. 妈 离边上远点 好吗 妈 But mom, get back from the edge. Okay, mom! 我们继续玩吧 珍妮宝贝 Let"s go on these rides, Jenny-Jen! 别 - 就当一切从未发生 No. - Like, nothing ever happened. 就当... 就当卡蒂还活着 Like... Like Katie never died. 我要去找... - 多诺万 快来帮我 I"ll go find... - Donovan, I need you. 附近的操作员 快过来 Operator somewhere. Must be here! 佩吉 拜托别... Peggy! Please just.. 妈 Mom! 妈 Mom! 妈 Mom? 别走 别走 你还好吗 Hey. Hey. Are you okay? 我们不能谈论卡蒂的死 We couldn"t talk about Katie"s death. 妈 Mom. 因为我们要保护你 Because we were trying to protect you! 珍妮不记得她做过什么 Jenny doesn"t remember what she did, 我们也就不能记得 So, we can"t either. 那是你们家长做出的决定 That was a choice you made as parents! 我当时还是个孩子 I was just a child! 拜托 快上车吧

 Please, just get in the car. 拜托 Please. 佩吉 你在做什么 佩吉 快出来 Peggy, what"re you doing? Peggy, get out. 佩吉 别这样 Peggy, no! 开门 Open the door! 佩吉 不 Peggy, no! 佩吉 开门下车 佩吉 Peggy, open the door! Get out of the car, Peggy! 佩吉 停下 Peggy, stop! 佩吉 停车 Peggy, stop the car! 来了 Hey. 还好吗 Hey. Hey. 我还好 谢谢 Yeah, I"m okay. Thank you. 那她呢 How is she? 恐怕需要有人照看她 I mean, she needs to be looked at. 好的 要我们跟你一起吗 All right, you want us to come with you? 没事 不用 No, it"s okay. 南瓜味拿铁 Pumpkin spice lattes. 给 多加奶的南瓜味拿铁 Hey, uh, pumpkin spice latte, extra whip. 你这咖啡都能抵顿饭了 Even your coffee"s an entire meal. 珍妮打电♥话♥说 佩吉已出院回家 All right, Jenny called. Peggy"s home from the hospital. 吃完药睡了 Medicated and slept.

 我们现在去找玛丽亚的父亲谈谈 Now let"s head there after we interview Maria"s father. 看能问出什么 - 好主意 See what we get. - Sounds good. 这女人我认识 I know this woman. 恩里科 你这次带律师来呢 Enrico. You brought a lawyer with you. 有必要吗 - 罗莎是亲友 Was that necessary? - Uh, Rosa"s a family friend. 问询当中通常不让亲友在场 We don"t usually have family friends with us - In the interviews. 我也是位律师 I"m also a lawyer. 还是辩护律师 所以我才会发问 A defence lawyer, which is why I asked. 不 严格来说 我不是辩护律师了 No. Not a defence lawyer anymore. Strictly. 这上面还写着辩护律师 This says you"re a defence lawyer. 是 我该换名片了 Yeah, I-I gotta update those. 我现在是"正义联盟"的成员 I"m actually part of an alternative 那相当于是个警务组织 policing organization I"d like to call the "Justice league". 其实不能这么叫 这名字已经 I mean, I can"t, because that name has been used 被某个超级英雄出品公♥司♥使用了 by a massive superhero franchise. 真可惜 It"s really unfortunate. 毕竟这名字高度概括了我们的宗旨 Because it just encapsulates us so succinctly. 我们会着手 We champion cases 警方可能会轻视的案件 that we think the police might overlook. 好吧 我们开始吧 All right, let"s get on with this. 罗莎做了些调查

 Uh, Rosa"s been doing some digging. 你们知道玛丽亚跟斯卡尔菲见过面吗 Did you know that Maria and Scalfi were seeing one another? 玛丽亚最近和她闺蜜们 Maria was travelling a lot lately 四处旅行 哥斯达黎加 卡波 巴厘岛 with her girlfriends to uh, Costa Rica, Cabo, Bbali. 一个要省钱的人可不会这样频繁旅行 A lot of travelling for someone who was trying to save money. 我还看过她的社交账户 And I took a look at her socials. 所以我忽略了什么呢 Okay, so what am I not seeing? 没错 警官 谁会和闺蜜们旅行 Exactly. Zip. Who goes on a trip with her girlfriends, 连张照片都不拍呢 And doesn"t take a single picture? 你是说她在和斯卡尔菲一起旅行 So, you"re saying she was taking these trips with Scalfi. 正是 我给她的闺蜜们打过电♥话♥ We know. I called her girlfriends, 她们都能作证 And they all confirm it. 他已婚 那这... - 没错 He"s married, so that"s... - He is. 这事和他有关 And he"s connected. 玛丽亚在你眼里或许形同路人 And Maria, perhaps, in your eyes, is a nobody. 恐怕不是吧 She"s not a nobody. 这有待观察 Well, that remains to be seen. 我的团队... - 正义联盟吗 See, my group... - the justice league? 认为若是有黑帮参与 are concerned that the murder of a bartender 恐怕酒保谋杀案 might not rate as a high priority 也算不上什么大案 when there"s a big gangster on the line.

 我们何不干脆把大型黑帮逮捕呢 And why wouldn"t we wanna get a big-time gangster off the streets? 其实我们是担心你 Frankly, we"re concerned about you. 跟我的委托人交涉过的警探 我都调查过 See, I look into all the police detectives that my clients deal with and... 你认识迪恩·布雷耶吗 Uh, do you know a man named Dean Breyer? 你是逮捕他的 对吗 You were the arresting officer, right? 他是在拘留期间死的吗 He died in custody? 恩里科 Enrico... 不管你的律师怎么说 We will follow up with Scalfi, 我们会继续调查斯卡尔菲的 despite what your lawyer says. 玛丽亚不该和已婚男人纠缠 Maria should not have been involved with a married man 但她还不至于此 But she doesn"t deserve this. 经验告诉我 警♥察♥可不会在工作中讲人品 In my experience, police don"t learn integrity on the job. 要么他们自始就保持... They either have it at the start or... 要么就不管 they don"t. 你知道自己误会他了吗 Yeah, you-you know you got him wrong. Right? 或许是你看错他了 Or maybe you"ve got him wrong. 是多诺万和马利克 It"s Donovan and Malik. 快请进 - 打扰了 Hey, come on in. - Hey. 她还好吗 How"s she doing? 怎么说呢 她... Um, you know, she was uh... 她在医院时还很好

 She was good at the hospital. 情绪正常 尽管... Euthymic, even, just... 但现在她的情况更糟了 But now um, but now, she"s devolved. 来人啦 Hey. 你好 - 你好 警探 Hey. - Detectives. 佩吉 - 库珀夫人 Peggy. - Mrs. Cooper. 你怎么样 How are you doing? 你们喝茶吗 You want some tea? 茶我沏好了 I have some tea already. 对 没错 在这里 Yep, yep, here. 再加点水 Just put some water in. 你想坐下谈谈吗 库珀夫人 Did you wanna sit down, Mrs. Cooper? 我向洛伦佐·斯卡尔菲借过钱 I borrowed some money from Lorenzo Scalfi. 我正准备靠卖♥♥花 I was gonna pay it back. 来还钱 Selling flowers. 后来见你还不起 Since you couldn"t pay it back, 他就炸了你的花店吗 Is it possible he blew up your shop? 应该是这样 我还能怎么办 Well, it makes sense. I mean, what was I gonna do? 不给他保险支票吗 Not hand him the insurance cheque? 玛丽亚·菲奥里呢 And uh, what about Maria Fiori, 就是你正负责的顾客 The woman whose order you were working on.

 是斯卡尔菲下的订单吗 Did Scalfi place that order? 不 有位女士要的... No, a woman called. Um... 初领圣体仪式要用 First communion. 那些花她第二天早上就要 She needed uh, everything for the next morning. 出价八百美元呢 $800 worth of flowers. 但我的花不够 But I didn"t have any. 我整天都在外面找... I was out all day looking for... 勃朗峰朱顶红和马蹄莲 mont blanc amaryllis and calla lilies. 那你见过斯卡尔菲吗 And-and did you see Scalfi at all? 没有 No. No. 你回到店里时 When you got back to your shop, 店里像是有谁进去过吗 did it seem like anyone had been there? 当时店里... Well, there was a... 灯的开关有蹊跷 像是... There was a thing with the light switch. It was... 坏了 我就... It was broken, and I, 对 开关有些异样 Well yeah, the switch was different. 怎么个异样法 What"d you mean, different? 你没觉得奇怪吗 I mea... You didn"t find that odd? 我当时正忙 I was in my element. 珍妮佛 我在构思如何包装花束 Jennifer, I was being creative and making beautiful arrangements. 我... 我知道你打过电♥话♥

 You know, I-I knew that you were calling, 但我得专心 But I was focused. 我就是那时候叫她留在店里 That"s when I called her to tell her to stay there, 并赶过去找她 And that I was coming. 然后我 我就... And then I, and then I... 我去面包店 想着你想吃店里的司康饼... I went to the bakery because I thought you"d like their scones and... 然后我就看见你了 And then I saw you. 我看见你开车赶来 走进店里 I saw you drive up and I saw you go inside. 我没进去 - 结果爆♥炸♥了 I didn"t go inside. - And I saw the explosion. 你就死了 And you died! 我... I... 我... I... 然后... And then... 后来我只记得 The next thing I knew, 我在过山车上 你也在场 I was at the rollercoaster and-and you were there. 我... And I... 我知道你在那里 And I knew that you were, 我知道你是来找我 I knew that y...

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